Privacy Policy

Last Updated: August 10, 2023 


We respect your privacy.

The privacy policy aims at enlightening you as for the data collected about you and how it is managed in the best way. With your use of the application, you agree on all the conditions and practices provided for herein. We have drafted a privacy policy according to the applicable laws in line with the work nature of our application for the purpose of managing data collection and usage.

The privacy policy contains the Sections below:


Section 1: Permissions

You shall permit us to reach the mobile phone via our application. You shall permit us to reach the storage area of your mobile phone. We do not ask you for permissions for contacts, photos, microphone, or other mobile phone applications. If certain uses of the application require certain permissions, then it will be requested when you use our services.

Section 2: Data

(1) Your use of the application does not require account registration, login, subscription or payment, we do not ask you for any personal information to use the application and you can use the application once you install it on your mobile phone.

(2) We automatically create a username once you install the application on your mobile phone, and this username will be your identifier for activities you carry out with other users. We collect inputs for games to display win and lose scores.

(3) We allow you to create a room through the application that other users can access, so by entering the name of the room, the user can access its subscribers and engage with them on games.

(4) We maintain the data related to your activities you carry out via the application.

(5) We maintain the data you provided us with upon the answering by you of the questions or questionnaires via the application.

(6) The application collects the data you might provide us with while providing the services or at any time including but not limited to:

- Data you provide us with when you report a problem in the application.

- Data you provide us with when you communicate with us or the customer service for any reason.

(7) The application collects some data of the users which does not determine the identity of the user or his communications data and these data is collected automatically which include for example (your activities, the data of the devices used in communication processes, type of operating system, communication time, its duration, the place of communication and geographic location, IP address, the pages visited, the ads categories which the user target).

Section 3: Data Collection Approval

(1) You give us your approval to collect and use your data according to the privacy policy provisions, and you acknowledge that providing data to us or using the application is explicit approval by you to collect, process and use the data within the limits of this policy.

(2) You can at any time withdraw your approval to collect and use your data by notifying us through our contact details and we will discontinue collecting or using your data unless there is a legal reason to continue using it.

Section 4: Data Protection Laws

When using your data, we consider all the laws applicable in Saudi Arabia that protect data and set limits on its use and management, including the data protection law and e-commerce regulation and its executive regulations.

Section 5: Cookies Policy

Cookies are text files that contain some simple information that are sent to your device which is used to access one of the pages of our websites available through PUGi Game application and is stored on your device, and these small files are sent to our websites again when you use them and when our websites identifies Cookies. These files are used for specific purposes as follows:

(1) Cookies are used for the purpose of providing information for example in our services, some cookies help us to specify the errors and to fix them.

(2) Some cookies help us to remember the pages and models you watch when you visit our services.

(3) Cookies aim at improving the trial of our services every time you visit it.

(4) You can change the favorites of the cookies through entering the settings of your browser and choosing the suitable ones for you.

Section 6: Limits of Using Your Data

We use your data for certain purposes, and we can explain the purposes for which we use the collected and processed data according to this policy. We use your data to:

(1) Enable you to access the application and our services available through it and to make the best use of our services.

(2) Receiving your questions, complaints and inquiries as well as replying them.

(3) Receiving your comments and assessment of the service you received via our application as well as replying them.

(4) Conducting questionnaires, research and analysis improving our services and getting better results.

(5) Enabling you to enter the functions and the activities of our services, to allocate the content and to promote these services.

(6) For the purposes of internal work such as improving our services.

(7) For complying with the regulatory and legal obligations.

(8) For the purposes revealed at the time of providing of your information with your agreement and according to this privacy policy.

Section 7: Sharing data

We shall be entitled to share your data with our employees, the companies and institutions belonging to us as well as the service providers belonging to us, the persons contracting with us for purposes of assisting in providing our services, operating, improving, developing them and processing the transactions you carry out via the application.

Section 8: Disclosure of Your Data

We might reveal your personal data in compliance with legal or contractual obligations in the following cases:

- In case we are required to disclose your personal data or to share it for the protection of the rights and property or the safety of our services, our employees or others.

- In case we are required to disclose your data or to share it in compliance with any legal obligation or for the imposition or application of our terms or any other agreement.

- In case of rendering a judicial decision or order by the various judicial competent bodies that bind on us.

- In case of issuing a decision by the public authorities that bind on us.

Section 9: Modifications

(1) We shall be entitled to modify our privacy policy at anytime and we shall publish a general notice of the new modifications via the application. Also, we shall update “Last Updated” at the top of this document.

(2) Your continuity of using the application after updating this policy shall be deemed to be an express consent by you to these modifications and a legal acceptance of the new practices and terms.

(3) In case you don’t agree on the new modifications and updates, you must immediately suspend the use of the application.

(4) You should have access to the privacy policy from time to another in relation to its terms and updates.